Love as a verb and not a noun
The action not the destination,
Filial or romantic,
not the grand gesture,
not in jest or fantasia,
instead the active moments -
picking up the phone when
it's not a good time.
Listening to fantastical ideas
And responding "it could happen."
Love as a context and not a pretext
so that decisions are made from
its actionable ingredients.
Not expected as a right or
demanded as a ransom.
As an element in the ether,
the reason for laughing
at the silliest joke.
Winking in the shyest moment.
Love as an option and not a dream.
Directing and starring in
whatever film you choose, provided
the cast are willing participants.
Choosing to act love, to move
in love, to select the better option
not for the purpose selfish
but to seek the better for the other.
To live love daily, without delay.